BEACON (Bollin Environmental Action and Conservation) is a group of people working towards controlling and eradicating invasive non-native species (INNS) and improving water quality within the Bollin catchment, which includes all the tributaries, meres, brooks and streams connected to the River Bollin such as the River Dean and Mobberley Brook.
BEACON joined the Mersey Rivers Trust in 2016 to use a more co-ordinated approach in tackling invasive species and improving water quality in the Bollin catchment.

BEACON has an action plan that was created in 2020, in partnership with all the member organisations that make up this Local Action Group.
The purpose of the BEACON Action Plan for the Bollin Catchment is to:
• Identify key issues for the Bollin Catchment
• Identify specific projects that meet identified needs
• Identify potential funding that is required
• Encourage partners to work together on co-design and co-delivery of programmes and projects.
The key issues and concerns of BEACON within the Bollin Catchment are set out below under five headings:
1. The quality of our rivers, brooks and meres
2. Flood risk
3. Biodiversity and ecology
4. Recreation, leisure and landscape
5. Community engagement.
The latest version of the BEACON Action Plan can be downloaded here:
Appendix 2 - Project List can be downloaded here:
The latest progress update on the Action Plan can be downloaded here:
BEACON Action Plan Monitoring - Nov 2021

BEACON’s vision is:
To have a river catchment where our natural wildlife thrives. This will be achieved through surveys and monitoring, education, awareness raising and local action.
This will be achieved by:
- Improving the quality of the water bodies and associated habitats within the Bollin catchment area.
- Protecting the designated sites within the Bollin catchment area.
- Engaging with local communities and schools to raise awareness of invasive non-native species and water quality issues, and get people involved in the project.
- Increasing the number of people taking action to control non-native invasive species and improve water quality.
- Engaging with local landowners and farmers to raise their awareness of non-native invasive species and water pollution in the Bollin catchment, and how land management and farming can make a positive contribution to improving native habitats and water quality.

BEACON Steering Group
The BEACON Steering Group is made up of various organisations that have a vested interest in the health of the River Bollin as landowners, environmental organisations or local residents. To find out more about each member of the steering group, please click the members title below:
BEACON Newsletter
The latest BEACON newsletters can be downloaded here:

Projects and events associted with BEACON will now be displayed on the Mersey Rivers Trust website.